Why we must be FireWise!

By dougk, 9 December, 2012

We can all be thankful that the Cove survived what might so easily have been a disaster last Thursday 6th December!

North Arm Cove was left without power for about six hours - thanks to the bushfire at the Rock. There was therefore no access to mains-powered Internet, TV or radio. No mains power for our water pumps. How vulnerable were we if there was an emergency? How prepared were we if a fire were to head our way?

Did we have a battery-powered radio tuned to ABC 1233?  Did we all have our Fire Wise plans completed? Had we taken the time to work out what we would do if we were unable to leave the village? Did we have suitable protective clothing ready to put on should a fire approach? Did we all have an area around our homes cleared of combustible material?

Fire Wise planning booklets have been delivered to every home in the Cove. We really have no excuse. The fire season is already upon us. We should already be prepared.

We came so close to a worst-case scenario. Whilst we were frustrated in the Cove waiting for the power to come back, sparks from power-lines started a bushfire at the single entrance to the Cove.

We were so lucky. This time!

Had the wind been blowing as it was the day before, had the brigades from the Cove and Pindimar not been already close by, that fire would have taken hold and threatened the village itself.

For most of us there would have been no exit from the Cove.

If ever there was a clarion call - for us to get those Fire Wise plans completed, have our protective clothing ready, have our properties cleared, and a battery radio (with fresh batteries) ready to tune to 1233 - this was it. So if you haven't done those things already, invest a bit of time in your future now. Read the Fire Wise booklet then ...

Prepare. Act. Survive.


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Couldn't agree more Doug. As well as the Radio there is a great iPhone application called NSW Fires and another for road info called Live Traffic. All the best and thanks for the alert, we didn't even know about this.