Yallarwah Park exercise track - update on progress

By bobreid, 17 April, 2022

Things are slowly happening with this project.

We have finally received the grant funding agreement to sign. If all goes to plan the NACCAi Committee will be reviewing it over the next week or so, with the intention of executing it by the end of this month. Once the agreement is executed the grant funding will be paid in three tranches - the first one of $36k will be paid upfront, and the two remaining ones of $27k each will be paid at the completion of the first and second stages.

After executing the agreement, we have six months to commence the project, and then two years to complete it. However we will be aiming to commence it by mid this year, with the aim of having it completed by late this year.

This afternoon Darryl Drake and I marked out the proposed track using orange paint and some small pegs. The overall track is about 270 metres long, and it will be 1.5 metres wide. We are proposing to have a picnic table in the centre, close to the gravel track into the park from the Community Centre. We chose this site because it is shaded most of the day, and parents will be able to see nearly all of the track from this location and keep an eye on young children on bikes/scooters etc if needed. This location is marked with four pegs with red/white tape on them.

There will be two sets of exercise/fitness equipment, with each one containing three items of equipment. One of these sets will be located at the northern end of the exercise track, and one at the southern end. Each of these is marked by three wooden pegs with red/white tape on them. There will be a bench seat close to each of these exercise sets.

We would like to hear what residents think of the proposed locations, so please go and have a look, walk around the proposed track and let us know what you think by sending an email to me at president.naccai@gmail.com.

We are putting together an aerial photo/plan of the proposed track and hope to have it up on the website later this week.


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