To finish off the work for the fitness track and exercise stations at Yallarwah Park, we need to spread some topsoil alongside some parts of the track to cover the . . .
Yallarwah Reserve

Yesterday we had a very successful working bee at the Yallarwah Park fitness track with lots of tidy up and landscaping work done: preparing the areas adjacent to the exercise . . .

In the past week quite a bit has been done to progress the Yallarwah Park fitness track and exercise stations. The exercise stations were installed, and earthworks were carried out . . .
by bobreid
We are organising a working bee this coming Saturday morning at Yallarwah Park between 8am and 12 noon to do some landscaping around the fitness track and weed removal in . . .

During the final stages of the construction of the Yallarwah Park exercise track and exercise stations there will be trip hazards along the edge of the concrete path and the . . .

We finally have an executed grant funding deed, and the first instalment of the grant ($72k out of $90k) has been paid into the NACCAi bank account. This means that . . .
by bobreid
The attached file contains an aerial view of the proposed layout. It shows the track layout, the locations of the two exercise stations, and the picnic table in the centre . . .

Things are slowly happening with this project. We have finally received the grant funding agreement to sign. If all goes to plan the NACCAi Committee will be reviewing it over . . .

I am pleased to advise that we have been offered a grant of up to $90,606 from round 4 of the Stronger Country Communities Fund program to build a sealed . . .