Yallarwah Park fitness walking track and exercise stations

By bobreid, 27 November, 2022

In the past week quite a bit has been done to progress the Yallarwah Park fitness track and exercise stations.

The exercise stations were installed, and earthworks were carried out to spread soil along the side of the concrete path and the concrete pads.

There are two sets of exercise equipment - one at the northern end of the track and one at the southern end.

The northern set contains three types of exercise equipment - a stretch station, a body twist station and an aerobic cycle wheel.

The southern set contains a leg press station, a pull down station and a chest press station.

Each station has an instruction diagram, and a QR code that can be scanned with a smart phone to access an instruction video.

The fitness track is 261 metres long. I suggest that users do a few laps of the track first, then exercise at the northern station followed by the southern station.

There is still quite a bit to do yet to complete the project - install two bench seats (one next to each exercise station), a picnic table with pergola in the centre, and some landscaping including soil and turf strips alongside the path, mulching and native tree planting. We anticipate that this will be done over the next three months after the final payment for the grant is made.

The grant amount is $90,606. So far we have received $72,500 which was used to pay for the concreting and the $23,000 of the $34,000 cost of the exercise equipment. An invoice for the payment of the payment of the remainder of the grant will be submitted this week, and it should be paid in about two weeks time. When we have received this final payment, we will be able to pay for the remainder of the exercise equipment invoice and organise purchase of the seats and the pergola.

Even though we haven't completed the project, the walking track and exercise equipment can all be used now. When you are in the park, please be aware that there are still trip hazards in the centre along the edge of the picnic table concrete slab and the concrete path. A yellow barrier and sign have been placed there as a warning.


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