To E or not to E?

By dougk, 9 August, 2015

Did you ever wonder why ...
Some people spell Boulevarde with a final E
there are others who spell Boulevard with no extra E?

Can both be right?

Council, it appears, is confused because some of our local signs have the E at the end but most official Council records show no extra E. Indeed most Boulevards in the world go without an E to finish. Although Hawks Nest of course has "The Boulevarde"! That final E hasn't been washed away - yet.

The image here has been copied from one of the earliest maps for the Cove Village - dated around 1920. There was definitely no extra E back then.

So, should our Boulevards be extra E-less? What do you think?

Hi Doug,

Language origins are still important...  but in the mixing pot of life we can always Google it for those of us interested...  in the UK Boulevarde was always with an e... (English spelling imperialism with French overtones)  now I notice it is just Blvd. !!!

Speaking of missing E's I also heard that an E was retained but that meant losing the 'a' from the end of the Gooreengi road name because it exceeded Council's limit of letters on road signs !

all the best and thanks for your ongoing website maintenance...  an essential source of community engagement :-)


Darrall and Philippa

99 Cove Blvd.


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