2015 off to a quick start

By sirius, 29 January, 2015
Not so slow in the Cove

Not so slow in the Cove

January 2015 in the Cove has been a busy one for public works. Work began very early preparing the southern portion of Eastslope Way for sealing and this work has continued throughout the month.







Council's Manager of Parks and Recreation, Andrew Staniland and Senior Design Officer, Ashley Carlson met with members of the Boat Ramp and Water Access subcommittee to discuss Council's designs for hand-launching ramps at Water Street and Casuarina Park Reserves. These ramps would facilitate launching of small dinghies, kayaks and canoes at mid to high tide. These ramps will not be suitable for vehicle launching so the quest for a proper launching facility continues.

Of course it has not just been Council workers who have been contributing to the Cove during January. David Read and his team have been working hard in Casuarina Reserve. "Making a difference in the Cove" is the motto of David Read Enterprises and this generous voluntary contribution is certainly making at difference at Casuarina. As a result of the grant-funded works and David Read's contributions over the past year, Casuarina Reserve has been a popular recreation location during the summer break.

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