Casuarina Reserve
by tonyh Information

Some residents may not be aware that behind the bus shelter in Eastslope Way is a 4000 lt water tank fed from the old bus shelter roof. The water contained . . .

by dougk Information
We’re progressively upgrading playgrounds across the region, focusing on modern facilities that are customised and offer durability specific to their location, explained Dan Aldridge, MidCoast Council’s Manager, Community Spaces, Recreation . . .
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by dougk Invitation
Casuarina Park's "Friends of Casuarina" have been doing some landscaping work this week - including new plantings. It was surprising how dry and rock-hard the soil was just a few . . .

by dougk
You may have noticed that David Read and his team have been hard at work installing a hand-launch dinghy ramp at Casuarina Park Reserve. There is more to do of . . .

by dougk News
It is almost too hard to believe ...After more than three years of sometimes not-so-patient waiting, the go ahead to begin work on two dinghy launching facilities at Casuarina and . . .

by dougk
Once again the Cove community has been fortunate to receive a small grant to improve facilities in the Cove. Each year Great Lakes Council invites applications from community groups for . . .

Not so slow in the Cove
by sirius

January 2015 in the Cove has been a busy one for public works. Work began very early preparing the southern portion of Eastslope Way for sealing and this work has continued throughout the month. Council's Manager of Parks and Recreation, Andrew Staniland and Senior Design Officer, Ashley Carlson met with members of the Cove's Boat Ramp and Water Access subcommittee to discuss Council's designs for hand-launching ramps at Water Street and Casuarina Park Reserves.

by dougk
Once a central hub for many Village activities, Casuarina Park has in recent years fallen into disrepair and the once cherished gardens have become overgrown and neglected. But a rebirth is in progress. The Residents Association, with the help of State Government grants plus contributions from Council and local businesses, has initiated work which will see this Reserve once again make a useful contribution to Village life.

Water Street Boats
by sirius
Great news announced at the Residents Assocation meeting held last Saturday (13 April) that the Association has been successful in obtaining $25,000 in the 2012 round of the NSW Community . . .
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