AGM & Sausage Sizzle Oct 10

By dougk, 4 October, 2015

10am at the Hall

This coming Saturday, 10 October, is the date for the postponed Residents Association AGM. After the Annual Treasurer's and President's Reports, Maureen will take the chair as Returning Officer for the election of the 2015-16 committee. Then we will move quickly onto the General Meeting so as to maximise time for socialising over a sausage sizzle (free to members). (BYOG) We do hope to see you there!

There are a number of items on the General Meeting agenda (attached) that should be of keen interest to community members. For example:

  • What has happened to the dinghy ramps project - almost 2 years on from receiving the grant.
  • Why was there blasting happening on the eastern shore of the Cove?
  • What's the latest on those Government proposals for sewerage and/or water to the Village?
  • What should happen to the open space created by the Asset Protection Zone clearing opposite the Hall?

As a Village located on the southern extremity of the Great Lakes Council area it takes a lot of effort to get the Council to hear us, let alone respond. We need to be active and visible if we want to get any action on issues that matter to the Cove community.  That means the Cove needs a strong Residents Association.

Over recent years, the Association has represented the local community on issues such as stormwater drainage, roads, water access, community land, playgrounds and parks. There have been regular meetings with the Council General Manager and both senior and more front-line staff  There has been close liaison with others including Maritime Services, RFS, and State and Federal members. There have been many grant applications - most of which have been successful. The more members there are, the greater the strength of the Association in arguing on behalf of the community.

The best way to show that you care about the future of our Village is through membership of your community's Residents Association. If you haven't signed up or renewed yet you can do so at Saturday's meeting. (It is still only $10.)

The Council's newly appointed Community Engagement Officer, Tracey Farrant, has been invited to attend Saturday's meeting and the sausage sizzle afterwards. Last Wednesday Tracey met with members both of the Executive Committee and of the Hall Committee.

The agendas for the AGM and GM and previous minutes are attached below.

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