Annie44 saying au revoir!

By dougk, 1 February, 2015

A great community contributor

For those that have not yet heard, the North Arm Cove community is about to farewell Annette and Lawrie Searle. It is good to know that they are not moving far, but their many contributions to the Cove community will be sorely missed and hard to replace.  Be it the Library, the Garden Network, Stitch Gatherers, the Residents Association, or this web site, the Searles were ready to give their time and effort.

Annette (alias annie44) has been possibly the most prolific contributor to the Cove website. For around three years Annette has been the Secretary of NACRA, a role which she has filled with enormous patience and diligence.

To farewell Annette and Laurie before they head south of the bridge, Maria Pickles is organising a farewell "Pizza night" from 5pm on 14 February at the Community Hall.  It is bring your own pizza makings and drinks.

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