Are Our Village Road Signs Good Enough?

By tonyh, 26 April, 2013

Do we need more like this?


It's easy to get lost in North Arm Cove. Many houses are in two long cul-de-sacs and its not clear which way to go when you enter the village. A vehicle can easily enter a wrong street and wander back and forth until the driver finds someone to give directions. Time is wasted. Turning can be very difficult if they go too far. In January, a van ended up at the end of The Esplanade (west) on the point of balance with its rear wheels hanging off the road's edge after the driver tried to turn around. This was a relatively small vehicle. Sometimes semi-trailers and large trucks deliver building materials to sites in the village. Correcting a wrong turn can be very tricky.

But perhaps the most urgent issue concerns emergency vehicles - fire trucks, ambulances, the SES and the police. Getting lost in Promontory Way whilst looking for Point Circuit or Baromee Way could cost an ambulance driver 10 or 15 minutes. Similarly, by entering The Esplanade (west) whilst the victim of a stroke or cardiac arrest lies waiting in The Esplanade (east), could actually mean the difference between a successful recovery or permanent incapacitation.

NACRA has been pursuing a two-part strategy with the GLC to minimise this confusion. The first part is to get a large map posted at the entry to the village. To this end, we applied for and successfully gained a $2000 grant in February. The GLC has promised to help us complete this project by approving a location for the map.

The second part involves upgrading the road signs within the village for road users. We have asked for an upgrade to the sign pictured above and for two extra signs to be erected along Market Way past this one - the first to show both the left and right sections of Eastlope Way and the second to clearly show Cove Boulevard, Point Cicuit, Baromee Way and The Esplanade (east) with house numbers.

However the Council doesn't agree that these additional signs are necessary.

What do you think? If you can recall specific instances where emergency or commercial vehicles have missed the way and got into difficulty, please could you offer your comments below.

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