Better Boating Review - Input Required

By sch, 24 March, 2014

The NSW Government's Better Boating Program Grants are no longer being offered. Instead NSW Transport is conducting a review of boating infrastructure needs throughout the State, and will replace the Grant system with the Boating Infrastructure Partnership Program. Under this new Program, infrastructure requirements will be assessed and money allocated on a needs basis. The Review is calling for submissions, and there is an on-line questionnaire that can be completed by individuals and organisations at

The Residents Association will of course make a submission. However, we need as many people as possible to fill out the questionnaire so that NSW Transportis in no doubt of our need for a boat ramp and jetty. Unfortunately the questionnaire does not give much scope for arguing our case, so we need to make up for that by volume of requests. This is an opportunity to have our requests heard, so please, boaties, take advantage of it - let's swamp them! Submissions for Port Stephens Region close on 6th April, so please don't put this off.

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