I am a recent boat owner in North Arm Cove. The purchase of the boat included a mooring near Water Street which I was fortunate enough to have transferred. In . . .
Seeking a public boat ramp and jetty for the Village
A public jetty in North Arm Cove has been a high priority for the community for many many years. It has also been identifed as a top priority in submissions . . .

Observations by Gary Sylvaney - a NAC boating resident. Having arrived in the Cove just 6 years ago, my first close involvement with moves for a Community Jetty and Community . . .
by jaybee
Like trying to solve all issues , we first need to be sure of where the blockage exists , then resolve the way to unblock it. CLEARLY the common blockage . . .
by sch
Although i am now an ex-resident, I still take a keen interest in the happenings at NAC. As a boat ramp has been a No.1 priority for residents since Adam . . .
by sirius
A dozen or more Cove locals endured the drizzly rain and the badly deteriorating Bucketts Way to attend last Wednesday's MidCoast Council meeting in Gloucester. The effort was wholly unrewarded . . .
by jaybee
With the latest Boat ramp report said to be going before Council on Wednesday 28 June at Gloucester & the recommendation (#1) being considered is βTHAT NO BOAT RAMP BE . . .
by dougk
The Council's Agenda for the meeting to be held at Gloucester on Wednesday 28 June has just been placed on line. (http://www.midcoast.nsw.gov.au/Council/Council-Meetings) The summary of the recommendations regarding a boat . . .
by dougk
The following is the contents of a letter issued today by Council Re: Proposed boat ramp at North Arm Cove In 2016 Royal Haskoning DHV was contracted by Roads and . . .

North Arm Cove Boating Development Plan A response to a letter from property owners These comments are in response to a letter written by two long-term Cove property owners about . . .