Bundabah Quarry DA withdrawn

By dougk, 25 September, 2017

More than three months ago the North Arm Cove Hall was filled to overflowing with people from Bundabah, Pindimar and the Cove as well as places further afield. They were there to hear about a Development Application submitted to Council by LDF Enterprises for a private quarry to be located close to the southern boundary of Bundabah. Following that meeting, community members from across the area submitted a record number of objections to the quarry 

Towards the end of 2016, many people were shocked to see or hear of the clearance of a very wide "roadway" running directly up Fame Mountain. Aerial photos revealed other very wide roadways created in other areas of the Fame Cove site, all either without DA approval or exceeding and in variance with approvals that had been granted.

These and other concerns, including possible pollution of our waterways, led to court actions being initiated by Council and various government departments.

After a number of expensive days of court hearings, the parties moved into a negotiation phase. Today (Monday 25 September) the outcome of these negotitations went back to Court. The full details of the Court Order issued today are not yet to hand but we do know that the order includes an agreement that LDF Enterprises will withdraw the Quarry DA. (This has now been confirmed as done. 29/9)

Other issues such as rehabilitation are to start as soon as possible and need to be completed by the end of 2020.

However it should be noted that a subsequent DA approved by Council could (potentially) over-ride conditions included in the Court order. For example, a roadway which has been designated in the Court order to be rehabilitated could possibly be reinstated as part of a subsequent DA approved by Council.


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