Can You Help Our Community?

By tonyh, 4 April, 2018

We have a number of volunteer positions available for motivated residents of North Arm Cove who care about our Village, its Environment and Lifestyle.

Firstly, MCC Reserves and Parks Volunteers.

Duties involve assisting other resident volunteers in maintaining the three areas of public land currently open for community use.

*Heros Park.

*Community Precinct Area.

*Casuarina Reserve.

Tasks involve weeding, mowing and general clean up. All required equipment is supplied by Council and full training provided.

The time involved will not be a lot, due to rostering. Come and join us for some social activity and the knowledge that you are giving something very valuable back to your community.

Secondly, but no less importantly, we are looking for a person to join the Associations Executive Committee. There are currently six members and we are looking for a seventh. The committee meets each second month (6 per year) for about 2 hours to provide direction and to ensure the Associations activities are focused on the needs of residents.

 If you would like to contribute to either or both of these most worthwhile activities.

Please Phone: 

Gary Sylvaney- 49973070,   Bill Moller-0490080795  or  Susan Carter-49973395.

North Arm Cove Residents Association Inc.

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