Candidates come to the Cove

By dougk, 16 September, 2014

Many of the key issues of particular concern to our local community members fall within the responsibility of the State Government: issues like hospitals, schools, transport, main roads, maritime, RFS, land development and many others.

Next March it’s back to the polls for the NSW State Election. To inform us on what they are prepared to offer the residents of North Arm Cove and the wider community, the Labor candidate for Port Stephens, Kate Washington and the current member, Craig Baumann have agreed to attend the next meeting of the Residents Association. This will be held on Saturday 18th October. (Please note the date change owing to the hall being double booked.) 

As well as addressing the meeting and briefly outlining their policies, Craig and Kate will take questions from the audience and collect information on state issues that are important to us and to our community.

The meeting will start at 10.00am. Other items on the agenda include progress on Casuarina and Water Street Reserves upgrades and the Community Protection Plan. Come along, find out first hand what is happening and support your local community.

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