Catch up with Kate MP

By dougk, 1 October, 2016

Kate Washington, our State MP, is our guest at the October 8 Residents Meeting. (Agenda attached below.)

There are many recent and planned changes that directly affect us which are the responsibility of our State Government. We've heard a lot about the Council merger and that certainly will have a significant impact on us. Yet there are other issues which seem to be slipping under the radar.

For example, what do we know about the planned privatisation of public hospitals? The privatisation of Sports and Recreation Centres? The Privatisation of the Land and Property Information department? Are these privatisations a good idea? Have we been asked? Is the State Government listening to the community on these and other issues? Let Kate know your views.

All sorts of promises are made with these privatisations. You may remember that with the electricity privatisation we were promised the Hexham bypass. Is that likely to eventuate?

An issue that almost slipped under my radar was a change to our Association constitution as a result of a State Government decision. The implications of this change, which took effect in September, are outlined in a document also attached below.

Put 8 Ocober 10am in your diary. Come to the hall and hear the latest on both Cove issues and State issues. Join with Kate and fellow community members in a cuppa afterwards.

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