Community input needed!

By dougk, 6 December, 2015

There are many reasons for Cove community members to attend the next Residents Meeting on December 12.  

  • Our guest will be Tracey Farrant, appointed earlier this year as Great Lakes Council's Community Engagement Officer.
  • A key item on the agenda will be discussion of future possibilities for the area around and opposite the Community Centre including the concept of a village green.
    The meeting agenda is attached to this article.

So do come along to the meeting at 10am on 12 December where our guest Tracey will let us know a bit of her background and how she envisages her new role. There are certainly times when we are tempted to throw brickbats at Council, but I believe Tracey's appointment is definitely worth a few plaudits. Hopefully we can β€œengage” with Tracey though a big attendance at that meeting. That way she will see how much the North Arm Cove community really does care about its beautiful village. 

And do contribute to the discussions on the hall site master plan proposals and the village green.

Following the meeting we can engage further with informal chats over a cuppa and Christmas treat.

By the way, August 2017 will mark the 50th Anniversary of the foundation of the Cove's community association. It is a milestone worthy of celebration: a record of fine achievement by a community working together and those many generous community volunteers. At this stage we are considering a celebratory booklet and an appropriate function at the Hall. If you would like to contribute to the planning please do let us know.


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