Continuing the good work!

By dougk, 6 October, 2017

Residents Association AGM

The Residents Association has just celebrated the past 50 years of community achievement in the Cove. A wonderful record indeed - but there is no time to rest on our laurels.

We now have a newly elected Council. Its attention will mostly be drawn elsewhere, addressing infrastructure backlogs, new developments and the demands of the big towns in the north.

We need the Cove's voice to be heard above the clamour. Plus there are local challenges to be addressed, goals to be fulfilled and projects to be implemented. Working together, we can ensure the Residents Association begins its next 50 years as a strong and effective force for the benefit of the Cove community.

We do hope to see you at 10am Saturday 14 October for the Residents Association AGM which will be followed by an update on a range of key issues at the General Meeting. Come and have your say. See what you can do to help. The agendas for both meetings are attached below.

If you have not yet acquired a copy of the Cove Book or would like to buy extras as gifts for family or friends, copies will be available for sale at the meeting. And of course if you have not paid your membership yet, you can do that too!

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