Council to review "No Burn Policy"

By leny, 4 June, 2015

Immediately following the recent storm, some residents, attempting to pile burn small heaps of dead and dry vegetation, were surprised to find our polite and embarrassed fire brigade compelled to request that these fires be extinguished or a fine of up to $5000 may be involved.

After a careful reading of the Great Lakes Council Control of Open Burning Policy, the NACRA executive applied on behalf of the Village for permission for a “Class of Person “ to undertake pile burns. This appeared to be possible within the policy document. (See the policy attached to this article.)

Unfortunately the Council refused the application.

Following further discussion, and

  • as GLC policy is shortly to undergo review, and
  • in recognition of the high level of storm material,

Council Officers have agreed to consider applications from individual residents to pile burn excess material resulting from the recent storm that cannot be coped with by the green bin system. It was also recognised that parts of the Cove have a large number of mature trees that generate larger than average quantities of vegetation material

Applicants must “comply with conditions” - if consent is given-  and burning must be in accordance with RFS “Standards for Pile Burning” (See these standards below).

Councillor Len Roberts and council officers have agreed that GLC policy regarding pile burning is to be reviewed and have invited comments from residents of NAC and other rural villages that are within a forest environment where there is a need to manage and reduce a high bushfire threat.

Our tip is a 50k round trip and is only open am or pm on alternate week days and not at weekends. Many residents do not own trailers or vehicles suitable for towing resulting in material being stockpiled some illegally in bushland surrounding the village and increasing the bushfire risk .

If you wish to burn small heaps legally you must seek approval using the application form below.

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Ian Cook comments: Unfortunately, due to the actions of some that chose to burn household refuse in incinerators and smoked the neighbours out with toxic smoke, outside burning had to be regulated. While that regulation can be a nuisance in some instances, it certainly has its benefits. I have mentioned or used the example of burning nappies before! The Clean Air policy is outlined on: