Cove News and Council Library support Cove Booklet

By dougk, 12 June, 2017

Contents page

The publication of a booklet on the Cove has been generously supported by both Cove News and MidCoast Council Library. The booklet is being produced to mark the 50th Anniversary of the Residents Association and will be launched on the afternoon of 20 August at a celebratory function.

Maureen Kelly, editor of Cove News,  presented the cheque at Saturday's Residents Association meeting reading an accompanying letter that said in part:

This is, in my opinion, a very auspicious occasion celebrating the endeavours and successes of the Association and I congratulate and appreciate your efforts in publishing this milestone booklet. i hope the Cove News' donation will help in some small way to defray the printing costs outlaid by NACRA.

In a small community such as ours a close working relationship and harmony between groups is paramount to the success of village life.

Meanwhile, MidCoast Council Librarian, Chris Jones also agreed that the Library would make a contribution towards the publication. Chris said what was being developed "looked great" and that he was "happy to provide support".

You can reserve one or more copies now by transferring $20 per copy using the (recently changed) Association bank details below.

Do make sure to include your name in the description and the number of booklets you wish to reserve! If your bank gives the option of sending an email to the payee, enter the email address:

Direct Deposit: Beyond Bank Australia BSB: 325-185 Account No: 85064916

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