Engaging with Tracey!

By dougk, 13 December, 2015

There was a lot of discussion at the well-attended last Residents Meeting for 2015 held on Saturday 12th. Tracey Farrant gave an informative talk about about the scope of her role as Community Engagement Officer and how she can improve relationships between Council and the many little Great Lakes communities like ours. There was some frank discussion about the ideas proposed for a Community Hall Precinct management plan. These are proposed longer term plans for the site. They can only be realised as funds progressively become available. They will also require a lot of community effort and contribution. They do present some wonderful opportunities for the Cove although, as with most things, some compromises will be necessary. While Ian Cook was unable to attend this meeting due to this being a very busy time for the RFS, he did send a report which has been published separately on the website.

The minutes, covering the many issues discussed, are attached.










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