Federal MP to hear residents concerns

By dougk, 13 March, 2015
Bob Baldwin to visit Cove

Bob Baldwin to visit Cove

Put Saturday April 11, 10am in your diary now! After hearing about concerns on various federal issues expressed at the last Residents Meeting, Federal MP Bob Baldwin has made space in his schedule to visit the Cove. Bob says ...

“I am very much looking forward to meeting with the North Arm Cove Residents Association at the Community Hall to discuss any questions and concerns the residents may have. As your Federal Member of Parliament I never take my role or my constituency for granted. North Arm Cove is a strikingly beautiful part of the electorate of Paterson and faces its own unique issues of which I am keen to receive an update on.”

Issues raised at the last Residents meeting included such things as availability of health services, mobile phone coverage and TV reception. Bob would like to hear your thoughts on these but maybe there are other issues that you would like other residents and your Federal Member to hear about? This meeting is an excellent opportunity for the Cove community to have a say.

Because Bob has other commitments in the electorate on the same day, he will need to get away early.  The meeting will need to commence promptly at 10am with the usual meeting formalities and general business taking place after Bob has left.

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