First Successful Cove Dumping Infringement

By tonyh, 13 October, 2014

A Newcastle man has been caught dumping rubbish and leaving asbestos sheeting on a rural block in Scone Street,  just west of Carrington Road.

 In April a vehicle was spotted and photographed leaving a rural property by a vigilant bystander who posted the details on the internet. A search of the bush uncovered  the site which was reported to GLC Rangers. There was sufficient personal information left by the offender to allow the Council to locate the him. He admitted to the offense and was issued with an infringement notice.

He has been fined $750 although the Council say the fine would have been $5000 had he tried to deny responsibility. He has subsequently removed the rubbish and the asbestos.

This is the first successful operation in our campaign to stop this insidious problem. Please pass the story around and don't hesitate to use a camera or make a report if you see dumping taking place.   Let me know on 4997 3583 if you spot suspicious activity. Thanks to all involved.

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