By BruceKerryHead, 30 April, 2023

 On the 20th April , Council finished the installation of a secured gate at the end of Gooreengi Rd to prevent the further illegal dumping of materials including household garden and building matter. Council had previously cleared the illegal dumpings, however for every load taken away a new load or two quickly replaced it. The cost to remove this rubbish was uncontrollable and due to the persistence of a NAC resident (who doesn't wish to be identified) in pressuring Council with repeated suggestions that the installation of a secured gate was the only solution to this ongoing problem, Council acted and the gate was installed.

Approval by various authorities, who still needed access to this road as required , was gained by Council and the installation occured

I attach a pdf that was sent to Council to thank all officers for their actions in resolving this problem


1 year 2 months ago

It's easy to believe that the council has had little respect over the years for the trials and tribuations we as NAC residents have suffered from the volumes of rubbish dumped annually in our back yards. This may be only a small response to a big and growing problem but at least something has happened at last. I know a little about the huge and persistent effort that has been put into this problem by the unnamed  resident, and I thank him. He has demonstrated that, if we do shout loud and for long enough, a positive reaction might result. And also a thanks to you Bruce for acknowledging the responses from the various public authorities that have contributed to this resolution.

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