Greens' Julie Lyford guest at June meeting

By dougk, 25 April, 2016

Greens Candidate for Lyne, Julie Lyford, will be the guest speaker at the June meeting of the Residents Association. Due to prior commitments Julie was unable to attend the April meeting, which featured David Gillespie (Nationals) and Peter Alley (Labor), but she is looking forward to meeting with the Cove community on June 11.

Julie will introduce herself, take questions from the floor and then chat with community members over a cuppa. Do put 10am, June 11 in your diary.

Julie Lyford OAM ...

Julie is a former registered nurse, local councillor and mayor. She migrated to Australia as an 18 year old and, conscious of the fortunate life she and her family are able to live, has committed many years to community service.

She has extensive board and decision-making experience with Hunter Councils, Regional Development Australia (Hunter), Mid Coast Water, Upper Hunter Arts, tourism and economic development committees.

As a young mother concerned about climate change, Julie co-founded the Gloucester Environment Group in 1990. This was the first of many community roles that led to her position as chair of Groundswell Gloucester; a volunteer team focused on protecting the Gloucester and Manning Valley from coal and coal seam gas extraction.

Her priorities are sustainable, liveable communities with fair, transparent and trustworthy political processes.





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