The Hazard Reduction Program Continues.......

By tonyh, 23 May, 2016

In the coming weeks the NSW Rural Fire Service will be aiming to conduct a hazard reduction burn in the area identified in the Community Protection Plan situated to the west of the North Arm Cove Community Hall. This hazard reduction has taken considerable planning and is designed to help protect the community.

The North Arm Cove brigade will be responsible for implementing this hazard reduction, and will undertake a mail box drop in the near future to further advise the community of the proposed hazard reduction.

A further hazard reduction that was identified for Baromee Hill is nearing the final stages of the planning process. It is hoped this hazard reduction will also occur in the coming weeks providing the current favourable weather conditions prevail. It is hoped that a crew from Karuah Local Aborigine Land Council will join North Arm Cove brigade to undertake the hazard reduction as the Gooreengai Aborigine Site in located in this area. Archaeologist - Planning Officers from Office of Environment & Heritage, Hunter Central Coast Region will also be involved in post burn activities across this site.

Ian Cook


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