Help Us Start The New Village Green

By tonyh, 7 April, 2017

We are starting the new village green opposite the Hall and we would like your help. Please can you give a couple of hours of your time?

The new green will be a place with a trail for walking, a place to take your kids or grandkids for a bike ride or to play a ball game, or just a place to sit and listen to the birds whilst taking in the native surrounds.

The work is essential but simple entailing the collection of weeds and tree debris, plant identification and general clearance in preparation for seeding and cultivation.

We are running the first three working bee sessions on:

  • Saturday April 22 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm with a free sausage sizzle at the Hall
  • Saturday April 29 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm with a free sausage sizzle at the Hall
  • Tuesday May 2 from 10:00 to 11:30 am with a free morning tea at the Hall

You are invited to come to any one or more of the sessions. To help us with catering and organisation, it would help if you could let us know if you (and others) can come, and to which sessions, either by email - - or by phone to Len Yearsley on 4997 3262.

If you can't, then please just turn up on the day with kids, neighbours or any visitors you have who came to the village believing they would be left peacefully alone with nothing to do.

Gloves will be available on the day, but please wear good shoes and a hat and bring repellant. We look forward to meeting you there.

Tony Hann for the NACRA and MidCoast Council Give Us A Heart Project



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