Important community plans in the making

By dougk, 15 November, 2015

Representatives from four local community groups gathered under the pergola last Friday (November 13) to examine future possibilities for the Community Hall site and the recently cleared area opposite the Hall. Present were members of the S355 Community Centre Commitee together with the Garden Group, the Tennis Club and the Residents Association committee all tossing a lot of ideas around. The consensus arising from these discussions is being assembled into a consolidated draft plan which will be put to the Cove community for consideration at the December 12 meeting of the Residents Association (10am at the Hall).

Way back in 2008, Council resolved to develop a Management Plan for the Hall site but, seven years on, we are still waiting. A number of recent developments, including the Asset Protection Zone work, have made the need for such a plan more relevant that ever - yet if we simply waited for Council to have the time to prepare it, we may wait another seven years. This prompted the above grass roots action!

If those community members at the December meeting are generally supportive of the proposals, the draft plan will be forwarded to Council seeking their input and support. It should then be placed on public exhibition which will give community members another opportunity for input.

The December 12 Residents Association meeting will also have as guests: Tracey Farrant, the new Council Community Engagement Officer who is very interested to hear our plans for the future of the Cove; and possibly also Ian Cook our Community Protection Planning Officer who, if he is able to attend, will give an update on the latest developments with implementation of the Protection Plan.

After this busy meeting there should be time for a bit of Christmas cheer over a cup of tea or coffee.

More details, including an agenda for the December 12 meeting, will appear closer to the time on this website.

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