It's Time ... For People Power

By dougk, 3 July, 2016

Wednesday 13 July 10am-12noon

Forget the election!
  What our village needs now is Direct Action: a real Grass Roots campaign.
  Working together we can begin to create our Cove Village Green.
When:  Wednesday 13 July.  10 am - 12 noon
   beginning with a Mid Coast Council Induction at the Hall
   to be followed by: a Monster Stick Pick Up and Bonfire

What is the Village Green? The RFS work creating an asset protection zone around our Comunity Hall included clearing of the Council-owned land on the opposite side of the road. This has created the potential for a great asset for this community: a park-like open space suitable for ball games and exercise with a meandering circuit track for walking, jogging, dog walking and adventurous young learner bike-riding in a safe location away from roads.

Why do we need a working bee? The first step is to remove the sticks and small timber debris left by the RFS clearing work. These can easily be collected by hand. While the project was strongly supported by the previous GLC councillors and senior staff, if we wait for the new Council to act, we will wait a very long time.

Can you contribute? The more hands available, the better the job we can do. If you can, do become part of this wonderful community initiative. It will also demonstrate to the new Council how much we all care about our village. This project belongs to us. Working together, we can begin to create our Village Green.

Why is there an induction? As the site is on Council land, it is necessary, in this era of insurance and occupational health, for all volunteers taking part in working bees on Council land to attend a once only health and safety Induction Briefing prior to volunteering their services. (Some residents have previously undertaken this induction.)

What do you need to bring to participate in the working bee? Dress appropriately for the conditions on the day. Council will provide gloves and hand tools.

If you can take part and support your community in a practical way, come along, be inducted and contribute two hours of your time.  You will get some gentle exercise in fresh air with great company and contribute to the creation of a new North Arm Cove facility.

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