NACRA update - what's happening with some important issues

By susanc, 12 June, 2016

North Arm Cove Residents Association:           General Meeting
Saturday 11 June 2016 at the Community Hall commencing at 10:00 am

Present: 21 members, 3 non members and guests Julie Lyford and Len Roberts; including committee members Len Yearsley (Chair), Tony Hann, Gary Sylvaney, Susan Carter and Maureen Kelly.
Apologies:  Doug and Kath Kohlhoff, Sue Anderson, Christine Sylvaney, Pat Brennan after 10.45 am.

Guest speaker with QandA: Julie Lyford, Greens candidate for the Federal Election, explained her involvement with the Greens and spoke about issues of concern including coal seam gas, climate change and human rights.  

< >Moved: Gary Sylvaney                                               Seconded: Tony Hann                                                                         Carried

That the minutes of the meeting of 9 April 2016 be confirmed

Business arising - nil

< >Moved: Allan Woodrow                                               Seconded: Gary Sylvaney                                                                   Carried

That Correspondence be accepted.

< >

Treasurer's Report

With the treasurer an apology for this meeting, the
report only includes transactions for April.

Since the end of April, income has included
$100 (for website), and expenditure of $120 for
mugs and EcoNetwork membership.

Members are reminded that fees can now be paid
for the next financial year. They remain at the
excellent value of $10 per person.

Membership can be paid by cash, cheque or
by direct deposit to:

BSB: 805-022
Account No: 38609949

Do remember to include your name in the description.

                                                                                Seconded: Bill Moller                                                                                Carried

Moved: Trish Woodrow                                              Seconded:Tony Hann                                                                                Carried

That the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.


< > The scheduled Protection Plan work is now nearing completion. There are plans to burn western side of entry to NAC and Karuah mountain .l

Waterfront Amenities We still do not have the expected Crown Lands approval for Water Street and Casuarina. MP Kate Washington has agreed to chase it up for us. (Karuah and Tea Gardens have a similar issue.)

4.4. Boat Ramp and Water Access  At this stage we are awaiting the HaskoningDHV proposals - expected July.  They have conducted a survey and have met with NACRA’s boat ramp sub-committee.  None of the existing sites were suitable – too small and parking problems (22 spaces with trailers needed).  Another site is favoured on Walker Corp land.
4.5. Hall Committee  The committee was successful in obtaining a $5000 Volunteers Small Equipment Grant. This will enable the purchase of a "commercial" dishwasher for the Hall.  The kitchen will be modified to accommodate it.  An International lunch will be held next Saturday and Christmas in July on 23 July as fund raisers.  An application has been made for a grant to purchase an antenna booster.  Andrew Blatch has promised funding if the grant is not approved.
4.6. Community Site Management Plan sub-committee  Still no response from Council on the plan submitted in December.
4.7. Fame Cove   The owner of Fame Cove properties has purchased other land at Nerong and submitted a DA for that property.  He is no longer using the architect and consultants who were working on Fame Cove.  Council is as yet unclear of his intentions though he has indicated he will continue with Fame Cove plans. A shed has been erected and machinery has been seen moving in recent days.

Moved: Maureen Kelly                                                Seconded:  Gary Sylvaney                                                                   Carried

That reports be accepted.

General Business

Community Volunteers Council requires all local volunteers to receive training so a course has been arranged in the Cove from 10 am to 12 noon on 13 July. Steve Howard will conduct the course followed by a stick pick up on the proposed village green site.

Merger of GLC into new Mid-Coast Council. Former GLC Deputy Mayor, Len Roberts, addressed the meeting on implications for the local community and his role as an “Interim Councillor”.  He explained that the boat ramp has been included in future plans, and money has been quarantined for the Cove. Council is asking for rate increase which was approved but not gazetted.  Democracy has not been taken away with amalgamation. The old councils have been dissolved but those reappointed as advisors to the Administrator were elected by the people. 

The death of Jim Pegram, a past president of NACRA, was acknowledged.

Guest speaker+QandA: Julie Lyford, Greens candidate for the Federal Election.  At her request, Julie spoke at the beginning of the meeting (see earlier note).

Next General Meeting and the AGM will be held on 13 August 2016 at 10am.

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Approved as a true and correct record


Len Yearsley (Chair)                                                                                                                           


Date ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

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