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Article NACRA AGM Minutes
Attached is a copy of the minutes of the NACRA Annual General Meeting held on 13 October 2018
Article NACRA Agendas for October 13 Meetings
Attached are the agendas for the NACRA Annual General Meeting and General Meeting 10am Saturday 13.
Article Name change and new meeting format for NACRA?
The NACRA General Meeting on Saturday provided a forum for reports and discussion including the following: Mr Lee intends to sell most of his property around Fame Cove. Containers and...
Article A warm and friendly NACRA meeting on a cold June day
NORTH ARM COVE RESIDENTS ASSOCIATIONGENERAL MEETING MINUTESSaturday, 9 June 2018 at the Community Centre from 10.00 am
Article NAC Tennis Club running well
With no contentious issues to resolve, the Club's general meeting ran smoothly. A small but regular group of people play frequently and attend the general meetings. A visit by people...
Article Councillor Roberts responds to community questions about post-merger Council
An enthusiastic group of residents attended the February NACRA meeting which featured Councillor Len Roberts. He outlined the current Council concerns and responded to lively questions and comments from the...
Article NAC Tennis Club right for another year
Tennis Pizza Gatherings will continue on the first Saturday of the month as agreed at the AGM and General Meetings early in October. and Monday Social Tennis is open to...
Article submission New multi-purpose addition to the tennis court
TENNIS NEWS JUNE 2017 The good news is that the Multi Purpose Practice Court should be complete by the time you read this. David Read and his crew started work...
Article submission Special offer for new members
November is an ideal time to join the North Arm Cove Tennis Club. The weather is often perfect for tennis, not too hot and not too cold. A family membership...
Article Same faces but continuing enthusiasm
If you play tennis in the Cove, you are probably getting cheaper court hire fees than anywhere else in Australia. At the AGM on 6 August, the existing committee was...
Article NACRA update - what's happening with some important issues
North Arm Cove Residents Association: General MeetingSaturday 11 June 2016 at the Community Hall commencing at 10:00 amMinutes Present: 21 members, 3 non members and guests Julie Lyford and Len...
Article Tennis general meeting
NORTH ARM COVE TENNIS CLUB MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETINGHeld outside the hall at 11 am on Saturday, 30 April 2016 PRESENT: S Carter, P and S Chappelow, P Freeman, N...
Article submission Tennis committee meeting 31 October 2015
NORTH ARM COVE TENNIS CLUB IncGENERAL MEETING 1000 Saturday, 31 0ctober 2015 MINUTES PRESENT: P Chappelow (Chair) S Chappelow, K Duffey, C Duffey, Phil Anderson S Anderson, S Carter, P...
Article submission 2015 AGM
Minutes of Annual General Meetingheld at 11.00 am on 15 August 2015 outside the Tennis Court PRESENT: Pete Chappelow (Chair), Phil and Sue Anderson, Sandy Chappelow, Susan and Jan Carter...
Article submission A man who gave much
A man now in his nineties, Jim Clayton is a wonderful example of a life well-lived. He was born in Carlton NSW in 1923 and went to school in Clovelly...
(1 comment)
Article submission She loves to laugh
She loves to laugh, she loves to share meals with friends, she loves to work, and she loves Jim. You canβt be with Emma long before you see how she...
Article submission A remarkable woman celebrates
She knows most of the people in the Cove, and has probably written about most of us in the great 12-page local paper, the Cove News. But many of us...
Article submission Living happily in two worlds
Umi Freeman is a woman who has seemed to live happily in two worlds her whole life. And , whichever world she happens to be in, she is equally at...
Article submission Eve Yearsley
If you were to meet Eve today, you would find a tiny woman with an amazing store of memories. Eve loves to talk, and her life story gives a taste...
Article submission Who are the people in your neighbourhood?
Who are the people in our neighbourhood? Doctor Who, in the TV series, makes an important claim: The Doctor: [Pointing to frozen Abigail Pettigrew] Who's she? Kazran Sardick: Nobody important...
Article Tennis Club General Meeting 7 March 2015
NORTH ARM COVE TENNIS CLUB MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING Held outside the tennis court at 10 am on Saturday, 7 March 2015
Article Tennis Club AGM
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held at 11.00 am on 12 July 2014 outside the Community Hall PRESENT: Pete Chappelow (Chair), Sandy Chappelow, Carol and Ken Duffey, Susan Carter, Peter...
Article Tennis General Meeting 140621
NORTH ARM COVE TENNIS CLUB MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING Held outside the tennis court at 11 am on Saturday, 21 June 2014
Article Minutes February 2012
The minutes for the most recent General Meeting are now available subject to adoption at the next meeting.
Article Some early history of the Cove
North Arm Cove is a quiet little coastal village now but had some dreams been realised it could well have turned into a bustling port city. " The most central...
Article Christmas Church Services
Tea Gardens Anglican - Christmas Day - 6.00 am at Hawks Nest Beach and 8.00 am at St Andrew's (crn Witt Street) Tea Gardens Uniting - Christmas Day - 9.00...