New state MP hears local concerns

By dougk, 14 June, 2015

Thank you Kate

The Residents meeting held on Saturday June 13 heard the latest episodes of the on-going sagas relating to road maps, dinghy ramps, boat ramp and jetty and a caution about water quality after storms.   As well as the many other local issues discussed, concern was expressed about the proliferation of caravans and tents within the urban village area.

Our guest, new State MP Kate Washington, took an active interest in our local issues and made many notes. She then gave an entertaining account of her experiences since the election day: waiting for polls to be declared; learning about parliamentary procedures; organising the electoral office; and the fall-out from the storms which hit on the following Monday. She told us how speaking out about one local concern (in this case a Medowie High School) resulted in her being told to leave the chamber for one hour.

Kate also addressed many questions of local relevance including various issues arising from the storms and the likely outcomes of promises that had been made during the election. She then responded to questions from the floor.

Following the meeting, many of those attending remained behind for convivial chats over a cuppa with cake and scones!

Full details of the meeting are included in the minutes attached below. (Scones not included!)

A reminder: there will be no August meeting this year - the AGM will be held at 10am on 10th October.

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