Paper Subdivision - Notes

By tonyh, 12 April, 2012

David Bird – Mgr Urban Policy (Involved wth Rivestone development) 02  9228 6290
Sebastian Tawney – PR for Department? 02 9228 6501
Monica Gibson – Newcastle Regional Office
Lisa Schiff – Director of Planning at GLC
Len Roberts - Councillor

(Riverstone  - rough summary of progress by Tony Hann based on discussions with a Riverstone paper subdivision land owner.
Process started 2004
On main line railway and traffic corridor to Windsor:

  • 1149 hectares
  • 8900 homes
  • 24000 residents
  • 170 hectares open space
  • 14 hectares for industry
  • Shopping centre,
  • 3 primary schools
  • Etc.


  1. Local Environment Plan (LEP) Draft. First planning document to determine site potential. Prepared by local council.
  2. Once approved, Section 65 certificate is issued to Council.
  3. Plan goes on exhibition.
  4. Amendments.
  5. Draft goes to Minister for Planning
  6. Gazetted.
  7. Zoning changed

Main Documents:

  • Development Control Plan
  • Section 94 Contributions Plan

                                Example of a single 557m² block
                                                $64777 to LandCom (Subdivision authority) for plan development
                                                $4199 open space contribution
                                                $1118 precinct contribution
                                                Total cost to owner per block - $70094 plus infrastructure costs
Went on exhibition Nov 2008 for 2 months
Plans approved May12, 2010
However, development still hasn’t started (after 8 years) because of lack of agreement over Contributions Plan.)

Notes from meeting
What has prompted this initiative (following notes taken from GLC March 27 Ordinary Meeting)?

and Assessment Amendment (Paper Subdivisions) Regulation 2012 and ‘Planning for Paper

  • The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has released the draft Environmental Planning

Subdivisions Draft Guidelines’ to enable the commencement of amendments previously made

to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, and to provide more detailed

procedures to facilitate the development of some paper subdivisions.

  •  The legislation seeks to establish a process to facilitate the development of paper subdivisions

which have already been identified as being suitable for urban development and will be of use

in paper subdivisions with small lot sizes where zoning and environmental issues have already

been resolved.

  •  Great Lakes Council has a number of paper subdivisions, however, these subdivisions are not

currently zoned for residential development or the subject of a planning proposal for residential

development. As such, the introduction of these provisions is unlikely to affect Council at this


  •  The release of the Guideline and Draft Regulation may increase pressure on Council to

investigate the rezoning of paper subdivisions to facilitate their development for residential

purposes. Considerable resources would be needed to undertake the necessary investigations

to enable a planning proposal for residential development of existing paper subdivisions.

  •  In the event that any of Council's paper subdivisions are rezoned, considerable resources

would also be required to then develop these areas.

Paper subdivisions – 11 councils in NSW involved. Not all such subdivisions are known
(In our area – NAC, Carrington, Bundabah, Pindimar. 12 – 16 square kilometres.  Most lots around 2000m². In NAC, 2700 lots with potential for subdivision into 8000 lots. GLC has estimated infrastructure costs alone at about $160,000.)
Process demands agreement from 60% of owners who represent 60% of land (by area?) – see GLC report guidelines above.
Approval for development will not be given by State Development to any proposal that is not “economically feasible and appropriate”.

NACRA has submitted 26 questions to David Bird. See the attached file.

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