Report on constitution surveys

By bobreid, 29 March, 2020

Two surveys of members opinions on proposed changes to the NACCAi constitution were undertaken at a forum on 8 February 2020 and online between 1-16 March 2020.

The survey results showed that over half of eligible members voted for membership of NACCAi to be kept to people who own property or reside in the North Arm Cove village area. Further, the vote showed that in the event that landowners from the non-urban and extended area were permitted to be members, nearly half of eligible members voted that these landowners should not be allowed to vote on motions.

A detailed report on the surveys is attached. Please note, to enable this report to be developed there has been significant time invested in assessing the data outputs of the survey results.

Moving forward, we see the next steps for the Committee to be:โ€‹

1. recommend what changes should be made to the current NACCAi constitution
2. publish the recommended changes on the North Arm Cove website, and consider any feedback from members on these changes
3. submit a Special Resolution to the next NACCAi ordinary meeting for the recommended changes to the constitution to be approved by members. 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic it is likely to be several months before the next NACCAi ordinary meeting is held. In the meantime NACCAi can and will operate under the existing registered 1992 constitution.

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