Residents' Association AGM Postponed

By tonyh, 22 July, 2018

Message from Gary Sylvaney, President, Residents' Association

Residents Association Annual General Meeting Postponed To 10 am. Saturday 13th. October 2018

The NACRA Annual General Meeting is now being held on Saturday 13th. October 2018 at 10 am. Your current Committee is using this postponement to canvas recruitment of three replacement members for the 2018-2019 Executive Committee. Two of the current committee are not standing for re-election and one position remains unfilled since the 2017 AGM.

If you would like to nominate for the Executive Committee please contact one of the following who would be pleased to advise and assist you: 

Gary Sylvaney      0418727347

Susan Carter        0413046858 

Doug Kohlhoff     49973341 

Bill Moller             0490080795

Len Yearsley         0429179256                                                                                                                                                  

Full details about roles and responsibilities of the Executive Committee are contained in the Associations Constitution available on the Web Site. Simply click the NACRA heading at the top of the page. In simple terms they are to assist the association meet the needs and directions of members as determined at General and Annual General Meetings of Association by those members. Contributing to the quality of life, in the way of facilities and representation to government authorities for fellow residents can provide a great deal of satisfaction and sense of achievement. The Executive Committee meets for about 2 hours every second month and needs your participation.

In just recent years, from mid-2012, your Resident Association has brought in over $118,000 in grant funding to North Arm Cove. The existence today of your Fire Brigade, Community Hall and Precinct originated in earlier Resident Association activities. Your current association, now requests your assistance for its continuation and further achievements in serving the North Arm Cove Community during 2019 and beyond.  

By joining the committee, you will not only be helping your neighbours but yourself and your family as well.

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