Sizzle on Saturday - 13 August

By dougk, 5 August, 2016

The gathering at the Community Hall on Saturday 13 August from 10am will be as much a celebration of living in this beautiful part of the country as it is the Annual General Meeting of our Residents Association. However, to satisfy the formalities, the agendas of the AGM, and the General Meeting which follows it, are attached below.

We already have sufficent nominations for the committee although nominations are open until Saturday 6 August.

Following the meetings, everyone is invited to partake in a community sausage sizzle ($5 but free to members). This is a chance to chat, to meet newcomers and to catch up with old hands.

If you haven't yet signed up for the 2016-17 membership year, it is easy to do so. You can do it online (details below) or bring your $10 with you on the day.

Direct Deposit Details: Beyond Bank Australia  BSB: 805-022   Account No: 38609949
(Don't forget to include your name in the description so we know who has paid.)

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