Yallarwah Park exercise track - update on progress

By bobreid, 31 July, 2022

We finally have an executed grant funding deed, and the first instalment of the grant ($72k out of $90k) has been paid into the NACCAi bank account.

This means that we can now order the exercise equipment and the concrete path.

The concrete exercise path will be 1.5m wide and 250m long,  and wind around the edge of Yallarwah Park and through the treed area on the eastern side.

There will be two sets of exercise equipment - one at the northern end and one at the southern end, with a seat located next to each exercise station. A covered picnic table will be located on the western side of the track, close to the Community Centre pathway.

The attached document shows the layout.

The delivery time for the exercise equipment is about 16 weeks, so it will be late November/early December before it is installed.

At the moment the ground is too wet and soft for constructing the concrete path, but we are hoping it dries out enough for the concreting to be done in October. If all goes well, weather permitting the track should be completed by Christmas.

The path will be suitable for young and old to use - good for a gentle stroll, and great for young children on scooters, bikes and roller blades.

The exercise equipment will contain six different types of equipment, designed for strength improvement and maintaining agility and mobility. Some examples of similar exercise equipment can be seen in the photos.


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