Update on oyster lease OL86/138

By janiner, 6 January, 2024
OL86/138 North Arm Cove

Last November the NACCAi Aquaculture Committee wrote to DPI Fisheries asking for a review of OL86/138, the oyster lease off Eastslope Way. This lease is untidy and, in our opinion, does not comply with several parts of the Best Practice Guidelines. The letter sent to DPI Fisheries is attached. An excerpt from this letter is as follows:

We are requesting that the old posts and rails are removed from the southern section of the lease, the replacement of crooked posts with floating buoys and tightening of the floating lines. We would also like to see some sections have the lines more widely spaced to allow safe navigation. This lease is adjacent to a residential area and should be held to a high standard rather than operated in a manner that gives the whole industry a bad name.

The reply from Fisheries was as follows:

DPI understands that some minor works have been undertaken on OL86/138. DPI will continue to work with the lease holder to address the issues of post and rail and floating buoys to replace crooked posts.

It is 5 years since we first complained about the new floating lines on this lease. It appears that it will still be a long time before any action will be taken to improve the visual appearance of this lease or the ease of navigation through the lease.OL86/138

Loose floating lines on OL86/138. Some lines are missing at the time of the photography but the anchor points at each end are visible.

Old post and rails on OL86/138

Old post and rails on OL86/138. These have not been used for many years and are untidy and visually unattractive.


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