Issues concerning oysters on the Cove

Launching boat
by janiner Rant
Over the holidays we get the usual hoons out on the water, speeding close to shore, creating noise, waves and dangerous conditions for people using the area between the oyster . . .

OL86/138 North Arm Cove
by janiner Report📎
Last November the NACCAi Aquaculture Committee wrote to DPI Fisheries asking for a review of OL86/138, the oyster lease off Eastslope Way. This lease is untidy and, in our opinion . . .

by janiner
The rain started on Thursday 5 January 2023 with the biggest falls on Saturday 7 January 2023. Our weather station in Cove Boulevarde recorded a total of 125ml with 85ml . . .

Oyster debris washed up on the Esplanade
by janiner
It has been a bad year for the oyster farmers in Port Stephens. Not only have there been huge stock losses due to QX disease in Sydney rock oysters, but . . .

North Arm Cove
by janiner
Did you know that there are live oyster reefs in North Arm Cove? Some are naturally occurring, and some are the remnants of past oyster farming. There are reefs next . . .

Loose oyster line
by janiner
Over the New Year long weekend, a line of oysters broke loose in strong winds. It was near the boat launching area at Water Street. The line was outside the . . .

by janiner
The 4th Edition of the Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy was released in August. For further details go to The main object of the revision was to take into . . .

by bobreid Information
The second episode of John "Stinker" Clarke's series on ABC Radio on fishing in Port Stephens was broadcast last Saturday 24 July. This episode was all about how Port Stephens . . .

by janiner
There has been a red barge on the eastern side of the Cove south of Bundabah for the last few days. The derelict oyster lease in this location has been . . .

by janiner 📎
OISAS-Public-Consultation-Draft-Have-Your-Say-Document.pdf The 2021 Review of the NSW Oyster Industry Sustainable Aquaculture Strategy (OISAS) is currently on public exhibition The Department of Primary Industries is seeking public comment on the 2021 . . .