Articles concerning non-urban land

by sirius Report
At an average rate of close to one per month, our local Council acquires North Arm Cove non-urban lots under Section 10A(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1993. The standard . . .

by sirius
At the pre-Christmas Council meeting, a further thirteen North Arm Cove non-urban lots were acquired by Council in lieu of outstanding rates. As part of the same Council meeting, the . . .

by sirius
A petion has been set up by non-urban land owners frustrated that they are obliged to continue to pay rates on blocks of land for which no services are . . .

by leny 📎
Questions prepared by North Arm Cove Residents Association members for the Public Meeting on "Paper subdivisions" are now attached to this article. Residents are encouraged to attend the public meeting next Monday as the changes proposed would significantly affect North Arm Cove.

by leny
The Department of Planning and Infrastructure has released a Consultation Draft that if implemented will allow the re subdivision of Non Urban Land in North Arm Cove. All the subdivided . . .
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