Articles concerning non-urban land

by bobreid Information
MidCoast Council has commenced the release of a series of reports on submissions to the draft Rural Strategy, based on common locations or issues. These reports contain discussions on the . . .

by bobreid Information
This evening I received an email from Alex Macvean, Senior Land Use Planner at MidCoast Council with an update on the rural strategy. She advised: Thank you to everyone who . . .

by bobreid Information
This is an interesting story. Four weeks ago I was approached by a Queensland journalist from the ABC to help find some non-urban blocks on Comboyne Avenue in North Arm . . .

by bobreid Information📎
I have been researching the history of the North Arm Cove paper subdivision, including what developers were doing to market the land many years ago, and how they were saying . . .

by bobreid Information📎
Last weeks edition of NOTA (News of the Area) contained a letter about the proposed zoning change for land in paper subdivisions from "rural" to "environmental" in the draft rural . . .

by bobreid Information📎
MidCoast Council has completed its Draft Rural Strategy and placed it on public exhibition on its website. It is open for review and feedback until Friday 19 November 2021. This . . .

by bobreid Information
I recently had a phone call from a senior planner at MidCoast Council about the Rural Strategy. She rang following a request I had made a few days earlier for . . .
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by bobreid Information
MidCoast Council is currently working on a project to develop a clear, consistent, region-wide planning framework. This project is called "Zoning in on our future", and it started in early . . .
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by mpickles
Meet with Non Urban Land Holders 10 am 8 June at the Hall Our non urban landholders have met with Council recently to discuss plans for the future. On the . . .

by dougk 📎
“Preliminary investigations indicate that some existing villages and rural living areas should not be in a rural/agricultural zone, now or in the future”Surrounded by bush and with the waters of . . .
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