Get Your Racquet ON!

By tonyh, 26 November, 2019

Did you know – just three sports have been proven world-wide to be socially inclusive whilst positively enhancing life, welfare and sustainability? One is tennis. (The others are golf and bowls – but who’s got the time for them??).

Apparently running around a court like an idiot whilst making silly attempts to knock a ball over a net, just so someone else can belt it back again is good for the bones, the muscles and the brain. (Was it Mae West who suggested that the fighting would stop if each side was given its own ball?)  

Then to have a good whinge about Donald Trump and Nick Kyrgios between games does wonders for your social life. What more could anyone want?

So, our tennis club has taken this to heart and agreed to participate in a new Tennis Australia promotion called Get Your Racquet ON! which starts during January’s Open.

The program is coming to North Arm Cove and our court will be open to everyone for a 90-minute session each week for eight weeks through February and March. This is very much a social get-together. A simple low stress game called Hot Shots will be set up on the court using low compression balls and racquets. Light snacks and soft drinks will be provided.

For participating, our club will receive a $3000 kit of balls, racquets and other materials. There will be a nominal charge for participants to cover the costs.

This is it folks. The young and the not so young. Time to have some fun without breaking your back (we hope) or the bank. Who knows – you might have so much fun that you take up tennis and become a member of our lovely club?

More information will be available nearer the date. If you are interested in signing up for this program, especially if could help on one of the days, please email Brenda, our secretary, on .

Meanwhile, on an issue of departures. On behalf of our club and the North Arm Cove community in general, I would like to thank Peter Chappelow and his committee for doing so much for so long for the club and for handing over the club’s affairs in such good order.

And I personally take this opportunity to wish Maureen Kelly all the very best for the future and for the absolutely stellar contribution she has made to our village in many ways over many years, including the establishment of, and unceasing dedication to, the publication of the Cove News.

Tony Hann, North Arm Cove Tennis Club


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