Special offer for new members

By susanc, 16 October, 2016

November is an ideal time to join the North Arm Cove Tennis Club.  The weather is often perfect for tennis, not too hot and not too cold.  A family membership is only $40 and entitles the parent, the children, the grandchildren and partners to play for a court hire fee of only $4.00 an hour.  This has got to be the best deal from any tennis club in Australia. Why not join up so you're ready to play when the family visits over the holidays.

And, as a special incentive to join up during November, each new membership, family or single, will be given a complimentary tin of balls.  Call the tennis phone on 0427 276 718 to join the club or book a court.

Minutes of the recent General Meeting follow.

NORTH ARM COVE TENNIS CLUB MINUTES OF GENERAL MEETING Held outside the court at 10 am on Saturday, 15 October 2016

PRESENT:  J and S Carter, P and S Chappelow, P Freeman, T Hann, P and S Anderson, C Duffey

APOLOGIES:  P Brennan, K Duffey, K Lyall, R Cairney

MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING of 30 April 2016 were confirmed as an accurate record and adopted.

Moved          Sue Anderson                  Seconded           Carol Duffey                                            CARRIED

MATTERS ARISING – Peter has written to Council explaining the concept and extent of work re extending the slab and re-orientating the basketball hoop.  He received a letter of consent from Council and the advice that no DA was needed. He then prepared and submitted a Community Partnerships grant application.

On recommendation of Kate Washington, Peter will also apply for Sport and Rec grant which closes on 11 November.

Peter reported that the second slashing of court area had been done, and the algae spraying delayed because it was not yet critical

MATTERS ARISING FROM AGM – Sue noted that only players registered with Tennis Oz were insured and Sandy followed up with listing our members for Tennis Oz.


September 2016 - Peter wrote a letter to NACRA in support of the Village Green

August 2016 We requested renewal of our lease with MCC as of 30 June and they (Leonie Cook) advised that the leasing process is being revised in light of council amalgamation. Sue Anderson has sent the cheque but received no receipt/response from MCC.

TREASURER’S REPORT for July - Spetember 2016

Opening Balance  $1851.46

Income  $2760.46,   Expenditure $218.45, Closing balance $2542.01.

Term Deposit is $10924.90, so total funds $12776.36 plus petty cash ($99.50).

Moved Sue Anderson                                        Seconded           Tony Hann                                               CARRIED

That the financial report be accepted

There was discussion re whether we should put some of our money on the changes planned for the court area and it was agreed to wait to see whether our Sport and Rec grant application was successful and then make the decision. 

MEMBERSHIP REPORT  we have 39 members with Tennis Oz, which includes 2 social members, 17 family and  5 single members.


General Shortage of Players (illness/injury/travel) – November incentive – free tin of balls for anyone joining in November.  Peter to advertise. 

Sign to be accessed by Peter to hang under chalk board to say tennis court available for hire 0427 276 718 from 8 am to 5 pm.

Saturday Social Tennis – it has been decided to discontinue till school holidays 8 January. $130 donated from Saturday tennis to Tennis club for Christmas function.

Hall Committee Initial Funding – it was agreed to make a $200 gift to the Hall Committee on the occasion of their 20th Anniversary, remembering the $200 initially given by Hall committee when tennis club first started.

 Court Screens – to make it possible to see the ball against the light background – Peter has costed at about $150 for each end.  Peter to continue investigation.

 Community Building Partnership Grant – Kate Washington intimated we have not been successful and suggested we apply for Sport and Rec Grant (closes 11 November).

Try Tennis leaflet - As new residents come into Cove, we’ll deliver one or put one in letterbox.

Pizza Night/BBQ – Last Monday of the month 31 October – 6 pm.  Bring and share pizzas, salads, and desserts. Sue to book.

Christmas Function        7 December – 6 pm  BBQ club to pay for meat, bread and nibbles.  People to bring salad or desserts to share.  RSVP to Sandy 0427 696 188 by 1 December. Sue to book.

Fair trading constitution change noted.

Change of padlock code was noted 

Next Committee meeting –tba  Next General meeting – tba

The President declared the meeting closed at 11.07 am. 

Submitted:  Susan Carter



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