Tennis Club AGM

By susanc, 16 July, 2014

Minutes of Annual General Meeting

held at 11.00 am on 12 July 2014 outside the Community Hall


PRESENT:  Pete Chappelow (Chair),  Sandy Chappelow, Carol and Ken Duffey, Susan Carter,  Peter Freeman, Janice Guy, Narelle Hall, Karen Lyall and Trish Peters

APOLOGIES:  the Bodingtons, Jan Carter, Tony Hann,  Mike McDonald,



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 31 August 2013 were confirmed as an accurate record and adopted

Moved  Trish Peters                                  Seconded Carol Duffey                                       CARRIED



President’s report – Peter mentioned that he had had four aims: promote harmony within the membership, establish a solid governance structure, ensure court and surrounds are properly maintained and initiate a sinking fund.  All have been achieved.  He listed some milestones of the past year including court signage improved, rules of play refined, definition of family membership, excellent court condition, Tennis Taster on 19 January, initiation of new member discount, courtesy rackets, installation of public toilet and new table and seat by GLC, sale of club toilet and BBQ.  Motion that the report be received

Moved  Peter Chappelow                         Seconded  Ken Duffey                                        CARRIED


Financial report - The Acting Treasurer, Trish Peters, offered the following report:  We opened the financial year with funds totalling $8423.06.   Expenditure amounted to $9796.27 of which $7924.55 was transferred to our new term investment, leaving our actual expenditure for the year $1871.72 ($1300 of that was to Tennis Australia).

Income from memberships, court hire, insurance levy  and donations amounted to $3190.00 leaving us a balance of $1816.89 in our working account, $42 in petty cash and $8001.16 in our term investment.  Total funds amounted to $9860.05.  The net profit was $2086.99.


The Auditor’s report was offered for perusal.


Motion that the report be accepted and sent to Fair Trading

Moved  Trish Peters                                  Seconded  Peter Chappelow                              CARRIED


Louise Harvey was nominated as our Auditor for 2014-2015.

Moved  Peter Chappelow                         Seconded  Trish Peters                                       CARRIED


ELECTION OF OFFICERS – The President vacated the chair in favour of Janice Guy

Officers elected unopposed for 2014-2015 were:

President – Peter Chappelow (nominated by Susan Carter, Trish Peters)

Vice-president – Ken Duffey (nominated by Susan Carter, Sandy Chappelow)

Secretary – Susan Carter (nominated by Trish Peters, Peter Freeman)

Treasurer – Trish Peters (nominated by Carol Duffey, Narelle Hall)

Committee member – Sandy Chappelow (nominated by Susan Carter, Peter Freeman)

Committee member – Carol Duffey (nominated by Trish Peters, Peter Chappelow)

Committee member – Narelle Hall (nominated by Carol Duffey, Sandy Chappelow)


Motion that the Public Officer be Sandy Chapplow

Moved  Trish Peter                                   Seconded  Ken Duffey                                        CARRIED


Motion that the Membership officer be Trish Peters

Moved  Peter Chappellow                        Seconded  Ken Duffey                                        CARRIED


The meeting acknowledged the contribution of the late David Bortfeld, Manager for Parks and Recreation, in creating some amenities for the Tennis Club.

The Committee acknowledged the willingness of Trish Peters to pick up the slack when other committee members are away.


The AGM was declared closed at 11.29 am.

Submitted:  Susan Carter


Approved as a true record


.....................................................................................Chair  ....................................................  Date

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