Tennis Club General Meeting 7 March 2015

By susanc, 11 March, 2015


Held outside the tennis court at 10 am on Saturday, 7 March 2015

PRESENT:  S Carter, P and S Chappelow, K Duffey,  T Hann, M McDonald, T Peters, C Yearsley
APOLOGIES:  J Carter, C Duffey, P Freeman, N Hall

MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING of 29 November 2014 were confirmed as an accurate record and adopted.
Moved           Trish Peters                        Seconded            Sandy Chappelow                                                            CARRIED


Presh -  Peter and Trish are continuing to discuss hiring conditions – she no longer wants access to court, just use of lights.

Shade cloth – Peter reported that it won’t cost much, and he will take care of sewing and fitting by end March.



To Presh  4 December  2014  Re use of lights for wedding on 21/22 March 2015.

To Council (from PC) December 2014 re removal of tree.  Reply by email that council will consider it when clearing the area between court and road.

TREASURER’S REPORT The opening balance as at 1 February 2015 was $2345.82.  Court hire for January was $217.  Total funds held to 28 February are $11766.09.  Membership – 31.  Motion that report be accepted.
Moved  TrishPeters                  Seconded  Ken Duffey                                                                   CARRIED


Membership/welcome call- Peter now contacts each new member.

Playground Update. Scheduled meeting re master plan for community land with Andrew Staniland did not occur but Peter and Susan had an informal chat with Maureen and Moira re play equipment. Maureen said Council had decided to put it on the corner of court.  Peter to write to Andrew explaining position of proposed tennis shed and perceived dangers to children using play equipment from trees, power lines and cars etc.

Tree danger –.  Council to thin out trees between court and road as fire prevention.

Cleaning of court –. Peter explained the need to clean all vegetable matter from court to prevent it turning into algae. Booking officer will tell all new bookings.

Guttering for shelter–Peter offered to install guttering to prevent splashes onto tables during rain.

6 month membership –Trish explained 6-monthly membership was stopped from July 2011.  An incentive for new memberships is the offer of 18 month membership from 1 January for $50 family and $25 single.


Practice court area –Sandy suggested the following changes:  Extend slab (3 m x 8 m x 100 ml), make a cage area to contain the tennis balls, and move the basketball post. Peter felt Hunter Quarries and Dave Read may give reasonable prices.  Peter to follow through.

Donation of seat near play equipment – it was suggested that the tennis club offer to provide a seat for Mums near play equipment as a gesture of good will. 

Both suggestions were unanimously accepted.

Next Committee meeting –tba
Next General meeting – 30 May 2015.
AGM – Saturday, 25 July at 10.00 am

The President declared the meeting closed at  11.00 am. 

Submitted:  Susan Carter

Approved as a true and correct record.


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