The Tennis Court Reopens

By tonyh, 5 May, 2020

The MidCoast Council has given us the authority to reopen the tennis court using the Covid-19 guidelines set by Tennis NSW. 

This means we can now accept bookings for club members under 70 for play from 9am to 5pm with last bookings at 4pm. Bookings by phone only 0427 276 718. All sessions must be overseen by a supervising committee member (Sharon, Elizabeth or Brenda) and only singles play will be permitted unless the players are from the same household.

Players will be asked:

  • If they have had any flu like symptoms in the last 14 days
  • If they have been in contact with anyone tested +ve to coronavirus in the last 14 days
  • If they have returned from international travel in the last 14 days
  • If they are in a high-risk category (aged 70+, weak immune system, chronic medical condition, diabetes, Aboriginal or TSI)
  • To agree to social distancing during play – 1.5m
  • Not to touch the net, to swap ends, or to share equipment
  • To confirm they are providing their own sterilised equipment – balls, racquets, etc.

It's very important that we abide by the guidelines in full. The council could close us down again if we don't.

This is, we hope, the first step back to regaining full use of the court in the near future.

Tony Hann

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