Tennis Meeting July 4th

By tonyh, 11 July, 2020

Fourteen club members attended a tennis meeting held at the court last Saturday. Some of the main points of discussion were:

  • Play - continues to be permitted under strict COVID conditions which exclude so-called high-risk groups. This includes all those over 70 and anyone who has chronic respiratory, kidney, diabetic and immune-related condtions.
  • A proposal was made to introduce a waiver system for healthy over 70 year olds. The MCC and our insurers will be contacted to see if this is allowable.
  • The committee has agreed to re-admit visitors to the court. 
  • All players, members or not, must still book the court by phone 0427276718 before playing. A committee supervisor will sanitise and open the court before each session of play is allowed.
  •  The committee discussed the issue of membership fees which are due now. Because the club is locked into unavoidable fixed payments such as insurance and affiliation fees, we are obliged to request fee payments from members. However, special consideration will be given to any member who requests deferment because of financial difficulties resulting from the pandemic.
  • The AGM will be held on August 22nd. Place and time to be advised.

The full minutes from this meeting are attached. Meanwhile I personally thank all players, and especially my committee, for their patience and the personal efforts made in helping to keep everyone safe whilst ensuring play continues through this difficult time.

Tony Hann

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