Tennis News - November 2013

By tonyh, 17 November, 2013




Christmas is only a month away and the warm weather has seen a noticeable increase in court bookings and usage. We have over 25 members, either in the social groups (Saturday/Monday mornings) or with separate fixed private sessions. For bookings or questions on how to start or get a game  please call 0427276718 between 0900-1700.

Tennis Taster Sunday 19 January

The Club has planned a “Tennis Taster” morning for those who wish to simply “have a go”, without any commitment, obligation or training (or cost!). Racquets and balls will be provided and there will be some regular players on hand to guide potential players in the basics of tennis. Sunday morning 19 January 0900-1100 has been selected as a time when school holidays are drawing to a close and kids (and Mums and Dads) may be a bit bored(!). Exercise is the best way to fix that problem so bring them along to learn a new life  skill and generate a few endorphins at the same time.

Christmas Party Wednesday 11 December

We have planned a Christmas Party with a bit of free tennis as a bonus on Wed 11 Dec. Free tennis is available from 1500-1700, followed by a BBQ at the Community Hall outdoor area. The Club will provide nibbles, meat and breads and members are asked to bring a salad or dessert to share. All members and partners are most welcome.

Welcome back to Derek  (Cyprus), Cheryl (Whitsundays), Sandy (Barringtons) and Ken (from Pottsville, wherever that is!)

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