Tennis News October 2013

By tonyh, 13 October, 2013




Another good month for tennis – the warm dry weather certainly makes for pleasant conditions, particularly around 8-10 am and 4-6pm when the sun is in the trees and the wind has backed off. Our β€œOpera House” shelter may not be an architectural gem but serves the purpose well!

Memberships continue to come in and Trish advises that we have over 20 members (single $20, family$40), which is 10% of the village population!


Daylight Saving Changes

Social tennis on Saturdays and Mondays has changed times due to daylight saving and additional players. Saturdays has been attracting 8-9 regulars so we have decided to extend the booking to three hours ie 0800-1100, allowing people some flexibility in playing time and better use of the court. Monday social tennis is now 0800-1000.


Working Bee

A working bee was held Sunday 13 Oct, with nine willing workers, who cleaned/mowed the surrounds and weeded and groomed the court surface, which is possible the best in Great Lakes Shire. Thank you all.



Many people are finding that visiting relatives, grandkids etc really enjoy an inexpensive and entertaining game of tennis while they have some free time in the Cove. Balls and racquets are available free if required. For bookings phone 0427 276 718 seven days (between 0800-1700 please).  

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