The Cove votes 2022: the results

By dougk, 25 May, 2022

With record levels of pre-poll voting right across the country, I had expected that there would be fewer votes cast locally in 2022 than in 2019 but no, the 300 votes cast at the Hall this year was 16 more than 2019. Voting pre-poll proved not particularly convenient for Cove residents. To do so, I needed to make a trip to Raymond Terrace, our nearest pre-poll location.

Dr David Gillespie was of course comfortably returned as the member in our super-safe Nationals seat of Lyne: his 64% 2pp (two party preferred) barely changed from his 65% in 2019.

There was however a large variation in support across the 89 Lyne election-day polling places with Dr Gillespie’s 2pp varying from a low of 30% all the way up to 83%. In North Arm Cove, his 2pp was 53.6%.

Only 4 of the votes cast this year at the Hall (1.3%) were informal. That is much lower than the rest of Lyne where more than 6% of the votes cast were informal.



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